Where Angels Lie

Magie (old resin)

Name: Magie (}M[)
Released: Hometown Dolpa Nagoya 1 (30th September, 2001)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Price: 29,800yen (31,290yen with tax)
Eyes: Acrylic Eyes / Grey / 16mm
Wig: W-04N / Curl / Ivory
Body: MSD Girl Body / Old Resin / Normal Skintone
Outfit: Clothes not included.

Status: discontinued

Magie is the same headmold as Myu and Sakura, and the LE models Elza, Asami and Sundy. The FCS number for this headmold is F-01.
Magie is sold as a kit version that must be assembled and given a faceup by the owner. Volks will assemble Magie and give her a faceup for you for a small fee.
The official Volks spelling is 'Magie', but she is commonly spelt 'Maggie' in the English speaking community.

Magie is no longer sold by Volks as a standard model. This headmold is now only available to be ordered via FCS or by purchasing a Myu or Sakura kit.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
Superdollfie.net Profile

Atziluth Database: Search for Magie / Search for Maggie
Den of Angels: Maggie/Myu/Sakura Database Listing

FCS Database: MSD F-01 Info

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Magie