Where Angels Lie

Reisner ~The Shadow of Captain~

Name: Reisner ~The Shadow of Captain~ (レイズナー〜The Shadow of Captain〜)
Released: Dolls Party 17 (4th May, 2007)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: K.Mayura
Outfit Design: Oojyan
Price: 128,000yen (134,000yen with tax)
Eyes: HG Glass Eyes / Cadet Blue with White Line / 16mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup / UV Coated
Wig: Reisner Original Wig / Pearl Silver / DD size
Body: SD17 Boy Body / Pureskin / UV Protect / Normal Skintone / KIPS

hat, necklace, blouse, bracelet, sword holder, long jacket, pants (with two ties), buckle shoes, eyepatch, gloves, captain's sword, optional part sword right hand

Status: sold out

Reisner was Volks' first SD17 boy. He has a newer body than even the SD16. He is somewhat similar in design, but is even more poseable. He is almost the same height (approx 1-2cms taller) as the SD16, but is slimmer around the chest and hip area. Like the SD16, he has double joints in both his knees and elbows, a swivel thigh joint, and also a double jointed waist.
Unlike Cecile the Scarface Ocean of Deep Black, whose sword and sword hands were optional extras that cost more money, Reisner comes with his sword and an extra 'sword' right hand as a part of his default set.
Reisner is a part of the 'Oath of the Silver Coin' story arc, along with Captain Cecile/Cecile the Scarface, Williams, Lady Sylvie and Cyndy. Reisner the Scarface is his alter ego version in this story.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
Dolpa 17 Site Listing
Superdollfie.net Profile

Resinality: Oath of the Silver Coin Database
Atziluth Database: Search for Reisner
Den of Angels: Reisner Database Listing

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Reisner

~Reisner, the lonely hero who lives in the shadows!~

The secret strength of the Black Shark; it is without a doubt because of this man's existence.

His name is Reisner.

This robust young man is the only one that Captain Cecile will let his guard down around.

As his sworn brother Reisner, there is perhaps no-one in the ocean who does not know both his name and his bravery.

In both life and death, he is at times Cecile's shield, and at times Cecile's sword.

Reisner, who stands at the side of the lonely Cecile.

At last, the sea begins to fill with the rush of the wind.