Where Angels Lie


Name: Mika (”ü‰Á)
Released: Hometown Dolpa Tokyo 1 (10th August, 2003)
Sculpt Design: Zoukeimura
Doll Design: MIKEY
Makeup Design: MIKEY
Price: 68,000yen (71,400yen with tax)
Eyes: HG Glass Eyes / Light Violet / 18mm
Makeup: Zoukeimura Airbrush Makeup
Wig: Mika Original Wig / Ivory
Eyelashes: Ivory
Body: SD Girl Body / Pureskin / Normal Skintone

pink shirt, floral print shirt, blue denim skirt, sandals

Status: sold out

SD Mika and Ken have the same headmold. They are meant to be the 10 year old versions of MSD Mika and Ken. As such their headmolds bear some resemblance.
Mika came with the first version of the pureskin body, which had some issues with standing and had less realistic knees. This body was later upgraded to a newer version and this version is now fairly rare in comparison.

Official Links: 

Volks.co.jp Listing
Superdollfie.net Profile

Den of Angels: Ken/Mika Database Listing

Yahoo! Japan Auctions: Search for Mika